What would you advise your younger self?
Gary Vaynerchuk (@GaryVee) asked this in an Instagram post.
I hope you find this helpful.
Believe in your possibilities. Believe in yourself. God has a plan for you. Go within to access it. Allow yourself to be guided by it. You aren’t being timed. There are no deadlines.
As you go through life, remember all that you do, you were meant to do; and, wherever you are in life, at anytime during your lifetime, is exactly where you were meant to be. Don’t compare yourself to other people. They’re on a different journey than you. They’re on their journey. You’re on yours and your journey is entirely different from anyone else’s.
Each of us have had different life experiences. We all have had different childhood experiences. Our family and ancestral histories are different.
Access your personal power; block all external distractions; and focus on the best plays for you. No one else knows what those are. Only you know the plays that are right for you as long as you go within to get them. No matter your age, you have talents and abilities to succeed. What are those?
So, turn off distractions, shut down, unplug, and GO WITHIN. You are more powerful than you think. All that you need is within you.
Always also remember this
You are loved, accepted and adored just the way you are.
BE BRAVE, you can do it. Give it your all and don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid of not trying instead.
What are your talents? What are you good at? How can you spin that into an economy to be able to support yourself as an adult using those talents?
Sit in quiet and ask yourself those questions, over and over and over again. At first you’ll be blank. You may be blank for awhile. As you continue sitting in quiet with those questions, the answers will come to you. Everything that you need to succeed in life is within you.
Embrace feeling awkward. Embrace being the “ugly duckling” until you blossom into a swan, the swan only you were meant to be. During the awkward stage, go inward to focus on you. Figure out who you are and what you’re about.
Always remember:
God’s got your back. [The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein] You belong. You are adored. Along with those loving, kind, and supportive people in your life, He is there for you. He loves you. He accepts all of you. He adores you. He trusts you.
Compete with the best version of yourself — never mind what other people are doing and where they are at in life. Where are you in your progress? How can you level up?
You will make mistakes. Expect them, especially when you are learning new skills and concepts. How will you not make mistakes when you are learning new things? Be patient with yourself. How would you treat a good friend through a mistake? Learn from those mistakes and keep moving.
If you choose to set your heights high, it may be so high that it’s crazy to those around you. Set it high anyway. [Do It Anyway by Kent M. Keith] You may travel your journey alone for a long period of time. Do it anyway and you may meet the right type of people along the way. Always be discerning of those people you choose to have around you. You become like the five people you spend the most time with. [Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki]
Don’t judge other people. Support them in ways that don’t infringe on what you have going on. Your acts of kindness will come back to you tenfold. Be kind while always maintaining your values, standards, and beliefs. Keep solid boundaries that protect them.
Be good to others, but, first, be good to yourself. Support others, but first, support yourself and take care of your responsibilities before expecting yourself to help others. Keep yourself first in your own life always and create boundaries to protect your #1 Priority: You.
Learn to take care of yourself first before getting into a serious relationship. Establish your career, the way you support yourself. This is important for everyone, no matter what gender; however, it’s especially important for females who have a life plan to get married and have children. If that’s you, walk that path with an exit strategy in mind. You need the money to be able to leave when your values, standards, and beliefs are not being met.
What are your values, standards, and beliefs?